Dear Jose,
This spring we took a leap of faith and completely changed the way we do our Baby Bottle Drives. The passage that provided us with inspiration and a call to obedience is from Luke 5:
When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.”
Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
Did you catch Peter’s response? Because you say so, I will…
That is our heart’s desire at Stanton. Whatever the Lord says is what we will do. Our team prayed and agreed to completely revamp our Baby Bottle Drive model. Instead of a single church hosting the drive on a chosen date throughout the calendar year, we wanted to unify the churches of the Treasure Valley – and beyond – to host the drive during a specific timeframe together!
The results have been amazing and not just financially.
For the first time ever, 46 churches united to bring hope and life to women considering abortion. This is more than double the number of churches who typically host the Baby Bottle Drive in a given year!
The magnitude of this cannot be overstated. Increasing the awareness of Stanton’s existence and mission will result in more lives saved from abortion and more families impacted by Christ’s love.
This past week, we shared the Baby Bottle Drive total with our host church pastors. And that was exciting! Little did we know, God wasn’t nearly finished.
We announced $265,804.08 had been raised to Keep the Doors of Hope Open at Stanton!!
And then God broke the nets that were already overflowing…!
So far, we have received $306,464.16 to continue the critical work of saving lives…and we cannot thank you enough.
O, magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together!
– Psalm 34:3
Don’t you love it when God does more than we can even ask or imagine?!
Your partnership with us in the Baby Bottle Drive gives a voice to the voiceless…precious babies made in God’s image. And you know who else gets a voice? Each woman we serve who is facing an unexpected pregnancy.
Of the women we see who considering or seek an abortion, a full 90% report feeling pressured to have the abortion by someone they trust.
When a woman sits down with one of our trained client advocates, she is given a voice. We listen with compassion and a genuine desire to see her experience the life God intends for her. We provide a place of refuge to freely express her concerns, fears, and obstacles (both real and perceived), as well as her true desires for her baby.
Proverbs 18:21 says the tongue has the power of life and death. Never is that more true than when a woman walks into Stanton Healthcare or Planned Parenthood. While they speak despair and death, we speak hope and life.
Another stark contrast between Stanton Healthcare and Planned Parenthood is that we don’t receive any federal or state funding. We rely solely on the faith community to keep our doors open…and you have generously and resolutely come through again.
We are thankful for you beyond words! You give us absolute confidence to tell our Stanton Moms, “You are not alone. There is an entire community of love and support behind you.”
May the Lord richly bless you.
For Life,
Linda Thomas
Director of Community Outreach
Check out all Stanton is doing in our community and across the world!
Stanton Healthcare
2176 E Franklin Rd, Ste 130
Meridian, ID 83642
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