State Life Director Report

This year, though challenging on so many levels, had still seen some major progress in Prolife! 

The new Choose Life license plates are now available in Idaho! If you have not ordered one yet, now is the time. One thousand plates have to be ordered to keep this option available. According to last reports, we are just at 500 plates. If every Knight and family members, as well as parishioners were to order one (only $35 is my understanding not including registration) we’d be well above those numbers! I believe it’s just $25 or $35 for subsequent years).

The Marches for Life were held across the state despite Covid restrictions. Though not a well attended as previous years, they were held and allowed a choice for the unborn to be heard. 

Fundraising for various Prolife causes were hampered but still had success across the state. Stanton held their “banquet” virtually this past year and it was a success. Several Councils held baby bottle drives in support of Stanton and Ultrasound initiatives and were successful despite a pandemic. Two new Ultrasounds are well on their way to being added to women’s health clinics in our state.

From Stanton:

This past week, we shared the Baby Bottle Drive total with our host church pastors. And that was exciting! Little did we know, God wasn’t nearly finished.
We announced $265,804.08 had been raised to Keep the Doors of Hope Open at Stanton!!
And then God broke the nets that were already overflowing…!
So far, we have received $306,464.16 to continue the critical work of saving lives…and we cannot thank you enough.
O, magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together!- Psalm 34:3

One of the criticisms leveled at Prolife causes is “What about after the baby is born? Where are you then?”

As Knights, we should be proud of our support for families, women and their babies as well as their health and welfare. Stanton is only one of many clinics that support mothers long after they’ve saved their child from abortion. We’ve helped to provide diapers, formula, baby clothes and food as well as emotional support. We can be proud that we don’t just pray, we work to answer those prayers as well.

I admonish you, do not give up! The spiritual challenge remains, 

“Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour.”

1 Peter 5:8

Vivat Jesus 
Jose Arroyo, FN, PGK, FDD

State Life Director, Idaho State Council

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